Teacher Terms

These Terms were last updated on January 6, 2024.

When you sign up to become a teacher on PTBA platform, you agree to abide by these Terms. These Terms cover details about the aspects of the PTBA platform relevant to teachers and are incorporated by reference into our Terms of Use, the general terms that govern your use of our Services. Any capitalized terms that aren't defined in these Terms are defined as specified in the Terms of Use.

1. Teacher Obligations

As a teacher, you are responsible for all content that you post, including lectures, resources, answers, communications, course landing page content, ("Submitted Content").
    You represent and warrant that:

  • you will provide and maintain accurate account information;
  • you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, permissions, and authority to authorize PTBA to use your Submitted Content.
  • your Submitted Content will not infringe or misappropriate any third party's intellectual property rights;
  • you have the required qualifications, credentials, and expertise (including education, training, knowledge, and skill sets) to teach and offer the services that you offer through your Submitted Content and use of the Services.

    You warrant that you will not:

  • post or provide any inappropriate, offensive, racist, hateful, sexist, pornographic, false, misleading, incorrect, infringing, defamatory or libellous content or information;
  • post or transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising,
  • promotional materials, junk mail, spam, or any other form of solicitation (commercial or otherwise) through the Services or to any user;
  • use the Services for business other than providing tutoring, teaching, and instructional services to students;
  • engage in any activity that would require us to obtain licenses from or pay royalties to any third party, including the need to pay royalties for the public performance of a musical work or sound recording;
  • frame or embed the Services (such as to embed a free version of a course) or otherwise circumvent the Services;
  • impersonate another person or gain unauthorized access to another person's account;
  • interfere with or otherwise prevent other teachers from providing their services or content; or
  • abuse PTBA  resources, including support services.

2. License to PTBA

You grant PTBA the rights detailed in the Terms of Use to offer, market, and otherwise exploit your Submitted Content. This includes the right to add captions or otherwise modify Submitted Content to ensure accessibility. You also authorize PTBA to sublicense these rights to your Submitted Content to third parties, including to students directly and through third parties such as resellers, distributors, affiliate sites, deal sites and paid advertising on third-party platforms. We may record and use all or any part of your Submitted Content for quality control and for delivering, marketing, promoting, demonstrating, or operating the Services. You grant PTBA permission to use your name, likeness, voice, and image in connection with the offering, delivering, marketing, promoting, demonstrating, and selling the Services, your Submitted Content, or PTBA’s content, and you waive any rights of privacy, publicity, or other rights of a similar nature, to the extent permissible under applicable law.

3. Payments

3.1 Revenue Share

When a student purchases your Submitted Content, we calculate the gross amount of the sale as the amount actually received by PTBA from the student ("Gross Amount"). From this, we subtract GST (18%), Transaction Taxes (usually 1-2%), any mobile platform fees applied to mobile provider checkout sales, any processing fee any non-mobile provider checkout sales, a 5% payment gateway provider fee, any discount given to the user by the teacher, and calculate the net amount of the sale ("Net Amount").

Scenario 1 - If the course has been purchased using your referral link/coupon code, PTBA would pay you (the PTBA teacher) 70% of the “Net Amount”.

Scenario 2 - If the course has been purchased directly on PTBA platform, or through PTBA marketing and promotional services (in short not through your referral link/coupon code), PTBA would pay you (the PTBA teacher) 50% of the “Net Amount”.

These revenue shares are liable to get changed anytime as per the decision of the concerning authority, and will be updated here henceforth.

3.2 Coupons

The PTBA platform allows you to generate coupon codes to offer certain items of your Submitted Content to students at a discount or at PTBA’s current price, as permitted within the Services. These coupon codes and referral links are subject to limits, and you may not sell them on third-party websites or otherwise offer them in exchange for compensation.

Where a student applies your coupon code or referral link at checkout, your revenue share will be 70% of the Net Amount.

3.3 Receiving Payments

For us to pay you in a timely manner, you must own an Indian bank account in good standing and must keep us informed of the correct email associated with your account. We reserve the right to withhold payments or impose other penalties if we do not receive proper identifying information from you. You understand and agree that you are ultimately responsible for any taxes on your income.

Depending on the applicable revenue share model, payment will be made within 30 days of the course purchase. We reserve the right not to pay out funds in the event of identified fraud, violations of intellectual property rights, or other violations of the law.

4. Lecture guidelines

4.1 A complete course has:

  •   At least 10 minutes of video content.
  •   Valuable educational content.
  •   HD video quality (720p or 1080p)
  •   Audio that comes out of both channels and is synced to video.
  •   Audio quality that is not distracting to students.

4.2 A complete course landing page has:

  • A high-quality course image in line with PTBA image standards.
  • A well-written course title and subtitle that includes relevant keywords.
  • A brief, honest, well-written course description.
  • Clear course goals, target audience, and requirements that are easy to understand.
  •  A credible and complete teacher bio and profile picture.

4.3 Meet Standards for Audio, Video & Delivery Quality

A good audio has:

  • No background noises or hums (usually come from electronics, appliances, environmental noise, and mic setup issues).
  • Little to no echo (usually comes from undampened hard surfaces in your recording space or from recording in too big a space).
  • No distracting “popping” sounds on “p” and “t” sounds (not all voices and mics have this problem, but if you do, a pop filter helps).
  •  An adequate base volume that comes out of both headphone buds.

A good video is:

  • In HD, 720p or 1080p with a 16:9 aspect ratio. Clear, not blurry, so students can see you and your learning material easily.
  • Steady, not shaky Well-framed and zoomed-in appropriately so students can easily follow along with what’s on screen.
  • Well-lit and free of distractions in the video frame, so that it looks like you took a few minutes to tidy up and present yourself in a friendly and professional light.

Good delivery includes:

  • Straightforward speaking style with very few “umms” and “ahhs”.
  • Enthusiastic and energetic tone of voice. Recording equipment can strip some energy from your performance, so aim to deliver a little more enthusiasm than usual.
  • Clear pronunciation of words and use of pauses to emphasize important points.

4.4 Teach on a Permitted Topic

PTBA courses cover a wide variety of topics related to homeopathy. There’s a lot of room for unique and specific skills and expression within this field, but few topics are off-limits.
Restricted topics:

  • Sexuality- Sexually explicit content or content with implied sexual activity is not permitted.
  • Nudity and attire- Nudity is permitted only when essential to learning within an artistic, medical, or academic context. Attire should be appropriate to the subject area of instruction, without unnecessary emphasis on exposed body parts.
  • Weapons instruction- Content providing instruction in the making, handling, or usage of firearms or air guns is not permitted.
  • Violence and bodily harm- Dangerous activities or behaviour likely to impact health or result in injury cannot be shown. Glorification or promotion of violence will not be tolerated.
  • Discriminatory language or ideas- Content or conduct fostering discriminatory attitudes on the basis of a group characteristic such as race, religion, nationality, disability, gender identity, sex, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated on the platform.
  • Misinformation and misleading content- Instruction which is intentionally misleading or that promotes ideas in opposition to the consensus in scientific, medical, or academic communities should not be posted.
  • Courses about teaching on other educational platforms.

4.5 Meet Minimum Standards for Length

Course must include at least 1 Section which has at least 1 Lecture with a minimum of 10 minutes of video content.
4.6 Include a Preview Video (mandatory for all course)

Your preview video is basically the movie trailer for your course. It’s the first thing students see when they click on your course and the only part of your video content that non-enrolled students can see.
At a minimum, the preview video should:
— Stand on its own and clearly explain what the class is about.
— Let students know what they’re about to learn and what they can expect.
— Provide more information on your experience with the course topic and background.
4.7 Include Well-Organized Content

Great instruction requires a solid structure based upon a course outline.
At a minimum:
— Each of your video lectures must have a clear title that reflects the content of the lecture.
— Each lecture or video section should only be uploaded once. Courses that are overly repetitive in content may be removed.

5. Course Image Quality Standards

A good course image is critical to a course's success. It should grab the attention of the viewer and help them understand the essence of what the course has to offer. Following these simple guidelines will ensure that your course image is effective and impactful.

Course image technical requirements

Image file format: The file format must be .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, or .png

Image dimensions: Always design your master course image at the following pixel dimensions.

Minimum required dimensions: 520 x 420 pixels

Maximum required dimensions: 6000 x 6000 pixels

Uniqueness: To avoid confusion, each PTBA course must have its own, unique image. The same image cannot be used for more than one course. 

Relevance: A good course image enables the viewer to predict what the course is about. Make sure that the image relates to the course content.

Appropriateness: Images should be oriented towards general audiences, and free of inappropriate or offensive content.

Resolution: Images should be clear, non-pixelated, and free of distortion.


Simplify: One of the most important factors of a successful course image is simplicity. Limit the number of visual elements and detail to drive better comprehension. Too many unique elements and too much visual detail will compete for attention and create confusion.


Additional suggested image guidelines

Image colour model: We recommend using the RGB colour model while creating your course image, and not the CMYK colour mode, since it is designed for computer screens and electronic devices.

Use of illustration: Illustrations should be iconic and elemental rather than detailed or cartoony.

Foreground & background: Only use background images/patterns if they enhance or add to the comprehension of the course concept rather than repeating it.

Single point of focus: Incorporate a central point of focus in your images to draw viewers in.

Stock photography: Stock photography can often feel staged, cold, or inauthentic. Only use stock images that feel natural and are high quality.

Colour and contrast: Use colours that complement one another and work well together. Opposite colours (red and green for example) can clash and cause visual vibration. Make sure there is enough contrast between the subject and background to ensure legibility.

6. Trademarks

While you are a published instructor and subject to the requirements below, you may use our trademarks where we authorize you to do so.
You must:

  • only use our trademarks in connection with the promotion and sale of your Submitted Content available on PTBA or your participation on PTBA;
  • only use the images of our trademarks that we make available to you, as detailed in any guidelines we may publish;
  • immediately comply if we request that you discontinue use.

You must not:

  • use our trademarks in a misleading or disparaging way;
  • use our trademarks in a way that implies that we endorse, sponsor, or approve of your Submitted Content or services;
  • use our trademarks in a way that violates applicable law or in connection with an obscene, indecent, or unlawful topic or material.

7. Deleting your course

If you're having trouble with the site, or if there's anything we can help you with before you delete your course, please contact PTBA Support.

Prior to any course deletion (published or unpublished), you are required to send us an email (at contact.ptba@gmail.com) with the subject line 'Course Deletion' and Mention the following details in the body of the email:
Teacher Name -
Lecture name - (List the proper names of the lectures that you had put while uploading the video)

Scenario 1 - Courses with no student enrollment

If you have published any of your courses, but don’t yet have any enrolled students, we will delete your course and all its content right away.

Scenario 2 - Courses with student enrollment

If even a single student has enrolled in your course, we will de-list your course immediately (so that there are no new enrolments). This will also lead to not showing up of your course on our website. The student(s) already enrolled will have access to its contents until the period of validity. Once the validity is over for all enrolled students, your course will be deleted permanently from our database.

8. Updating These Terms

From time to time, we may update these Terms to clarify our practices or to reflect new or different practices (such as when we add new features), and PTBA reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify and/or make changes to these Terms at any time. If we make any material changes, they will be updated here. Modifications will become effective on the day they are posted unless stated otherwise.

Your continued use of our Services after changes become effective shall mean that you accept those changes. Any revised Terms shall supersede all previous Terms.